Challenge · 17. June 2020
Another year has flown by just like that and plastic free July is just around the corner. This year is going to be even more fun with the super extra challenge of Covid-19 and its restrictions being thrown in. As you may have noticed already, Woolworths is not able to collect our soft plastics at the moment due to their Chinese factory being unable to accept any plastic deliveries from Australia. Even more reason to change our shopping behaviour and create a new habit of living a more...
Challenge · 07. August 2018
So, Plastic Free July 2018 is over and we're looking back at a month full of new ideas and great achievements. What did we learn from Plastic Free July? More and more people are joining us on this mission to go plastic free... YAYYYY!! More than 170 countries and millions of people around the globe accepted this year's challenge. What a great impact! More and more companies have picked up on the vibe to go plastic free and offer alternatives. FANTASTIC!! More and more supermarkets and...