- Find out more about Fast Fashion and talk about it with your family, friends, colleagues, soulmates
- Ask #Whomademyclothes and post a snapshot of yourself and the tag of your favourite
garment on social media
- Donate to Fashion Revolution to get yourself in the right season holiday spirit 😇
- When doing your shopping, think about "Buy less, choose well and make it last"
- Consider buying second hand either in an Op-Shop (Vinnies, Salvos) or online (E-Bay, Gumtree), borrow clothes you are likely to wear only once (from family, friends or a hiring place) and
swap your unwanted garments for a stylish new look at a local clothes swap event or amongst a privately hosted swap
- Check out these op-shop stylists to find out how you can be stylish without costing the world. Some examples include: Jenna Flood (Ironic Minimalist), Alex van Os (Op Shop to
Runway), Nina Gbor (Eco Styles), Faye de Lanty (Fashion Hound) or Michelle (Opshopstylist)
- Shop at B-certified companies because they are looking out for us, the environment and
their communities. Some examples are: Thread Harvest, Patagonia and Etiko.
Remember, every bit counts and every step in the right direction will have an impact. Together we can change the world for the better... 🤩🙌
Super stylish kisses from Little Eco Ninja xxx